Power Pledge Challenge Starts Soon!

Posted: July 27, 2023

Challenge your students to think and learn about how they use energy every day – and enter to win prizes throughout the semester!

Teachers, please sign up for the 11th annual Power Pledge Challenge (PPC), an initiative aimed at helping youth better understand energy use. Participating classes have the opportunity to complete monthly and semester-long challenges from August to November 2023 related to energy efficiency and conservation such as pledging to reduce their energy use, completing a community energy profile, and creating an energy public service announcement.

Each month a winner is chosen from those who complete the monthly challenge, and at the end of the semester, seven regional and one state prize are chosen based on the number of points earned throughout the year. Monthly prizes are $100 worth of goodies for the students, plus some swag from PPC partners. In December, each region will award a pizza party (and a tour of a power plant if possible) to the top points-earning class in their area. The top points-earning class in the state will also earn about $1,200 worth of supplies from NEED.org.

The activities in the Power Pledge Challenge are designed to increase students’ energy literacy in an engaging way. You can choose when and how to do these activities in a way that fits with your classroom/group schedule. You also have the opportunity to have expert guest speakers into your classroom at no cost.

Contact: Renewable Energy Alaska Project (REAP) – Colleen Fisk, education@realaska.org, 907-929-7770

2023 Power Pledge Challenge Flyer