September 2020 Back Page – Vitus To The Rescue and Bryan Rookok Jr. Appointed to AVEC Board of Directors
Posted: September 2, 2020
Vitus to the Rescue!
AVEC was in a bind, trying to ship hand sanitizer to our power plants across the state and running into major roadblocks with the postal service as well as all of the air cargo companies. The challenge was the alcohol content in the hand sanitizer. That is when Vitus Marine stepped into the breach. “We visit all your communities,” they said, “why don’t we deliver hand sanitizer for you?”
We were so very grateful for their offer of assistance and even more grateful when they insisted on providing and delivering the shipments without charge to AVEC. That generosity reflects the deep relationship that we have with Vitus. When we have a pressing need that Vitus can help with, they are there for us. Thank you!
In the photo above, Dennis McLean with Vitus Marine hands over hand sanitizer to Robert Tokeinna Jr., Wales Alternate Power Plant Operator. AVEC tug Cavek is in the background.
Bryan Rookok Jr. Appointed to AVEC Board of Directors
At a special Board meeting held on August 12th, the AVEC Board reviewed letters of interest submitted by four well-qualified individuals from across our communities. After much discussion, the Board selected Bryan Rookok Jr. from Savoonga to fill the seat vacated recently by Walter Sampson of Noorvik. Bryan has been a delegate from Savoonga since 2006 and has faithfully attended all AVEC annual meetings and has represented his community well. With this appointment, Bryan now represents all members of AVEC, not just his fellow Savoonga members. He was sworn in at the August 24, 2020 regular Board meeting.