July 2020 Back Page – Notice of Vacancy on AVEC Board of Directors
Posted: July 27, 2020The Board of Directors of AVEC recently received the resignation of Walter Sampson, who has served on the AVEC Board since he was first elected in 1989. His 31 years of service are a credit to his dedication to the AVEC membership. Walter was reelected every three years, typically by an overwhelming majority of the delegates and the membership.
Since Mr. Sampson was elected to a three-year term in 2019, the Bylaws require that the remaining Board Members must appoint a successor to serve out the remainder of his term, which expires in April 2022.
The current Board Members are:
- Fred Sagoonick of Shaktoolik – Chair
- Robert Beans of Mt. Village – Vice Chair
- Helena Jones of Ambler – Secretary
- Peter Demoski of Nulato – Treasurer
- Phyllis Clough, Old Harbor; and
- Robert Hoffman of Bethel.Any AVEC member in good standing may apply to fill this vacancy. “Good standing” means that the candidate must not be past due or delinquent on any debts owed to the Cooperative. The individual may not be employed by or financially interested in a competing enterprise or a business selling electric energy or supplies to the Cooperative. In selecting a replacement director, the Board will also consider the Bylaw requirements that no more than one director may come from a community and that directors must represent the “widest possible geographic distribution.”
Members wishing to be considered for this vacancy should submit a letter of interest addressed to the AVEC Board of Directors and mailed to 4831 Eagle Street, Anchorage, AK 99503. Letters of interest may also be emailed to Amurphy@avec.org
All expressions of interest must be received no later than Friday, July 31, 2020.