March 2016 Back Page — Bethel Community Annual Meeting.

Posted: March 9, 2016

I had the pleasure of attending Bethel’s second community annual meeting last month and am pleased to report it was well attended, with a lot of good discussion and questions asked and answered.

The meeting was chaired by one of last year’s Bethel delegates, Beverly Hoffman. It is the privilege of the chairwoman to determine how door prize winners are selected. She decided to hold a game to identify the oldest Elder in attendance.

As in many of our communities, a significant percentage of the members in attendance were seniors, but we were all surprised to find that the last Elder standing was Alice Nerby, who is 87 years old. Alice was in attendance along with her daughter and two of her great-grandchildren. Alice was awarded the first $50 door prize.

The next winner was selected with a drawing. Mario Guitierrez, an employee of AVEC in Bethel, won $50. Mario chose to honor the second-oldest Elder in attendance, Arthur Nelson, 82, by gifting him the door prize, and he was delighted to accept the award.

In other news related to the annual meeting, you should have received your AVEC ballot in the mail recently. Please cast your vote to select the two individuals who will serve as your AVEC directors for the next three years. The candidates are Walter Sampson of Noorvik, Fred Sagoonick of Shaktoolik and Gene Peltola of Bethel.