November 2015 Back Page — 2015 Scholarship Winners Announced.

Posted: January 7, 2016

The Alaska Village Electric Cooperative Board of Directors awarded scholarships totaling $9,500 to eight students from its member communities for the 2015 fall semester.

The following students were awarded $1,000 scholarships:

• Cory LePore of Bethel
• Ashley Johnson of Bethel

The following students were awarded $500 scholarships:

• Rhiannon Kokrine of Mt. Village
• Tom McCoy of Selawik
• Audrey Leary of Bethel
• Bambi Alexie of St. Mary’s
• Dallas Chayalkun of Chevak

Carlie McIntyre of Bethel was awarded the Ted Stevens Memorial Scholarship in the amount of $5,000. Established in 2011, this scholarship is granted to one student who, in addition to the standard AVEC scholarship criteria, demonstrates strong public and community service to their community and rural Alaska. Carlie is working on a degree in civil engineering.

AVEC is proud of the achievements of its scholarship winners, and wishes them the best in their academic pursuits.